~ Salute to... Phoenix 2016

Phoenix (AZ), 10-12 Giugno 2016

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    Studio delle Leggende


    Ciao!! :)) Scusate, non voglio sembrare maleducata o scortese, avevo solo una curiosità che mi asisilla da qualche settimana xd

    ecco ho notato che ultimamente vengono riportati tutti i panel, quelli di sabato, ma quelli della domenica e in particolare quello dei j2 nella prima pagina li trovo sempre molto in ritardo e ultimamente non li trovo proprio o.O

    ma come mai? volevo chiederlo da un bel pò perchè sono i miei panel preferiti e aspetto di leggerli sempre con trepidazione xd

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    CITAZIONE (lily888 @ 16/6/2016, 01:11) 
    Ciao!! :)) Scusate, non voglio sembrare maleducata o scortese, avevo solo una curiosità che mi asisilla da qualche settimana xd

    ecco ho notato che ultimamente vengono riportati tutti i panel, quelli di sabato, ma quelli della domenica e in particolare quello dei j2 nella prima pagina li trovo sempre molto in ritardo e ultimamente non li trovo proprio o.O

    ma come mai? volevo chiederlo da un bel pò perchè sono i miei panel preferiti e aspetto di leggerli sempre con trepidazione xd

    Thinias era alla JIB, questo il motivo del ritardo nella pubblicazione dei panel di quella conventions :) , per questa con, credo che abbia degli impegni lavorativi che non le consentono la solita precisione nel pubblicare le traduzioni dei restanti panel, penso che lo farà non appena le sarà possibile :)

    io non sono in grado di fare le traduzioni, spero però che possa farti piacere la trascrizione del M&G, anche se in inglese purtroppo

    Jared and Jensen’s meet and greets Phoenixcon 2016
    So…..I’m not allowed to talk much about Jared and Jensen’s meet and greets. Creation has really cracked down…we can’t even bring in a piece of piece of paper with our question written down, presumably so we don’t gnaw off our fingers and scratch down notes in blood.
    But I feel like this is my experience. I paid for it, just like everyone else, and I feel I should be allowed to share at least some of it if I want to so that’s what I’m going to do.
    Since there were a couple of questions that were the same for both Jared and Jensen I’m going to write the reports together. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask and I’ll try to answer.
    I’ll start with Jared. First off, he came in carrying a can of Coors Light. We all noticed but just kind of shrugged it off, it was almost lunch time, so why not? Jared started telling a story and cursed, then caught himself, joking that he shouldn’t swear before noon. We all laughed at that and someone pointed out he was already drinking beer, so why NOT swear?
    Jared looked startled and started to insist that of course he wasn’t drinking beer, it was Diet Coke. He held up the can to prove it, and we all started laughing again. He promised it was an accident, he’d meant to grab soda, and gave the (unopened) beer to a fan who wanted it. Later in the session a volunteer brought him a Diet Dr. Pepper instead.
    My question was the last one, and Jared specifically asked us not to repeat what he said, so I’m respecting that. However, I will note that I asked Jensen the same question and he did NOT make that request. What I asked was (paraphrased): you and Jensen said in Rome that you basically rewrote the finale. How was the decision made to have Sam NOT protest Dean’s imminent death, or offer to go with him? Jared answered very thoughtfully and gave us a lot of insight into how the ep SHOULD have been.
    Jensen had a lot of interesting things to say about the finale and the eps right before it as well. He said that there were a lot of people involved in the re-write (“I wouldn’t call it a re-write…more like triage.”) and reminded us that a lot was going on behind the scenes at that point, including the fact that Jeremy Carver had moved on to his new show and that change had caused a lot of chaos and confusion that had to be dealt with. At one point, he and Jared proposed that the finale ep simply be pulled and the season cut back to 22 eps; that conversation evolved into serious discussion of pulling the final three eps so that the season ended with 11.20 and picking up the storyline in S12. Unfortunately, the network stepped in at that point and nixed the whole idea because advertising had already been paid for. Jensen added that he thought 11.20 was a really powerful ep and would have made a great finale.
    Another great question was about all nuances of body language that we see in the show, for example Sam and Dean standing by Mary’s grave but choosing not to look at each other. The fan wanted to know if that was scripted or if Jared and Jensen make those choices.
    First Jared thanked us all for noticing these details and for paying so much attention. He said that knowing how much we love the show and appreciate what they put into each ep makes being away from their family a lot easier for him and Jensen. He said that the decision not to look at each other, and a lot of the other scenes like that, are on Jared and Jensen to work out. They chose to play the scene in the graveyard the way they did, and Jared was glad to hear that it worked so well and that the emotion and intent really came through. Then he went on to talk about his scenes with Lucifer, and how he tried to be very conscious and aware of Sam’s history and fear and reflect that in his reactions. There was supposed to be a scene where God makes it clear that Sam and Dean don’t have to fear Lucifer that got cut, but he still wanted that fear and wariness to be acknowledged.
    Jensen also had a great answer for this question. He also thanked us for noticing the details and care he and Jared put into the eps, and gave us some bts info about shooting the scene in the graveyard.
    *Sidenote: PLEASE ASK JENSEN MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS BTS. He loves to talk about it and go into all the technical details that go into making the show.*
    Okay. So Jensen told us about shooting the scene in the graveyard. He confirmed that the decision not to look at each other was made by him and Jared when they blocked the scene before actual filming, and that those kinds of decisions are left up to them as long as it isn’t going to interfere with filming by requiring more cameras or more takes. He gave us some great details about how shots are filmed that really make it clear just how hard everyone involved in making the show works. Jensen’s coverage was shot in the rain, and he told us about how difficult it is to make rain show up on film (like bees? someone asked. Yes, Jensen said very dryly. Like bees.) He also talked about how film flickers and how they sometimes have to do multiple takes for shots where they are firing a gun because the muzzle flashes are so fast they can be missed.
    He then segued into the scene where Dean confronts God (I’m pretty sure that was part of the question or that the fan interjected it, but it’s hard to remember.) He mentioned that his first instinct was to be angry, but the more he thought about it the more it seemed like Dean would really be hurt rather than angry. He was sitting going over the script and the scene in his mind and Phil (I think?) told him that was perfect. It was really great to hear about how much respect he and Jared get from the writers, directors and crew, and how much trust everyone has in them to know and understand their characters.
    There was some really great comparisons to John and God and how Sam and Dean relate to each character, but I can’t remember if it was Jared or Jensen who talked about it. But it was really insightful about how they view Sam and Dean and their relationships with John and God.
    In the course of this discussion, Jensen mentioned that he specifically asked to do his coverage first in the scene where Dean is talking to God. He usually doesn’t care that much, but in this case he said he knew it was going to be a difficult, emotional scene and he wasn’t sure how many times he could do it before it started to become forced. As it turned out he needn’t have worried–he said the emotion in this scene was so powerful that even during Rob’s coverage he still found himself reacting to words being said, and with tears in his eyes.
    This led to Jensen talking about always being ‘present’ in his scenes–that he works very hard not to ‘space out’ when the camera isn’t on him. He always wants to give the other actor cues to work with and to react as though he’s really having the conversation or going through the scene with them. He told us that the editors have noticed and thanked him for it–they appreciate that he always gives them something to cut to if there is an issue in the scene. For example if someone doesn’t quite nail a line or reaction, they feel they can always cut to Dean to distract from it.
    As Jensen was finishing up his answer, I couldn’t help interjecting a follow up question about whether or not he found that to be more tiring, physically or emotionally. He said that yes, a lot of the time it is, but that he considers it worthwhile. He doesn’t mind needing an extra cup of coffee or a little more sleep–he feels he owes it to everyone he works with to give them his best, and that includes being present whenever he’s able to.
    Another question for Jared was a request for advice on getting into acting, which he used a a chance to remind us all that we are always enough. We may not be right for a particular job or role, but that just means we will find something we are suited for later. I truly appreciate his efforts to encourage and uplift fans whenever he can.
    Jared was also asked about the ep Dark Side of the Moon, and whether or not Sam’s memories had been manipulated by Zachariah. Sam said that they had, and again thanked us for noticing details like that.
    Someone asked Jared who his hero was when he was 14 was and he replied without hesitation that it was Eddie Vedder. He then told us the story of meeting Eddie at a small benefit concert. He was adorably embarrassed, and said the next day he looked and Jensen and said “Did I do that…?” and Jensen just nodded and said “Oh, yeah.”
    Here are the other questions that were asked that I remember:
    Did you design your own house? (Jared)
    What was your favorite ep to film in S11 other than Baby? (Jensen)
    Jensen was deeply disappointed not to be able to choose Baby, to the point I’m not sure he gave an actual answer to the question. He turned it back around on the fan who’d asked, and she was adorably flustered by the attention.
    What is your favorite piece of theater? (Jared)
    Something about being driven to work (Jensen)
    (Jensen gave a really great and lengthy answer to this one that was a lot of fun, but I think I’m probably pushing the the limits of what I should say pretty hard at this point.)

    Studio delle Leggende


    faccio fatica a leggere o capire perchè con il traduttore automatico viene tutto attaccato, comunque grazie :)

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    CITAZIONE (lily888 @ 16/6/2016, 11:39) 
    faccio fatica a leggere o capire perchè con il traduttore automatico viene tutto attaccato, comunque grazie :)

    mi dispiace, ma più di questo non sono in grado di fare

    prova con il link originale, li almeno il traduttore automatico lavora meglio ;)

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    J2 PhxCon 2016 Main Panel
    J2 tease Rob and Rich while they’re still on stage. Jensen teases Rob about his stage dive during the SNS when he fell. Jared talks about Rich using their character names when he directs.
    Jared says he loves Rob as he’s leaving stage, Rob said it made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
    Jared on him and Jensen: “Royal bearded we” Jensen: Royal? Jared: It sounded cool. Fan yells out, “Sexy!” Jared: Your words not mine. Then says,”Sexy bearded we.” Jared starts to striptease.
    Jared uses “y’all” and the audience mimics it back. Jensen translates: you people.
    Jared loves cons during hiatus because the audience knows as much as they do about the show, the boys don’t have to worry about spoilers, etc.
    When they bring up the Phoenix Zoo, lots of people cheer. Jensen: Do you all work at the zoo? Jared: Who’s watching the zoo?!
    Purple Rain was never really rehearsed all the way before last night’s performance at SNS.
    A fan asks how do AKF and YANA correlate with each other? Jared talks about how they’ve been able to open up a dialogue with the SPNFamily, how there’s something special about it and how the cast realized that they’re in a cool situation. Refers to the fans and the SPNFamily as “their own world.” Jared says AKF and LYF meant a lot to him, and YANA, too, because something means something to you and then it develops and it grows. To Always Keep Fighting and to Love Yourself First and to realize that You Are Not Alone. Jared wants to remind people that thank him for helping them that it was them who got themselves through it, that it was their strength and sacrifice that got them there today.
    Fan wants to know if there’s a reason the Impala is an automatic. Can they not drive manual? It’s always been an automatic; Jensen defends he can drive anything, but this way he doesn’t have to worry about shifting gears on top of everything else.
    Fan: Jensen, your Dean is showing! Jared *fans himself off, starts to unbutton Jensen’s shirt* Jensen to fan: I don’t even know what that means lol.
    Fan asks if they can enjoy TV or movies or do they get caught up in the technical stuff of the show? Jared says he has a lot of opinions about the productions of shows, which helps him weed out the bad so he is left with good ones. He likes Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and his “new friends” on Outlander.
    Jensen asks Billy (from Louden Swain) how it is with music. Billy talks about finding inspiration in other music. Jensen agrees with Jared about being able to weed out the bad productions, but it also allows them to appreciate a cool shot or scene and they can get lost in the art by appreciating the artists.
    The boys talk about Felicia and how much they love her and loved Charlie. She was like a sister to the boys. Jared: people ask a lot what I want to do when SPN ends, I say it’s not gonna end, but I would want to work with people like Felicia Day.
    Jensen: SPN will never end, let’s be clear. The show might, but what is built, this will never end.
    Asked about how many shenanigans happen in a day on set. Jensen: About as many shenanigans that just happened in the last five minutes, when we’re supposed to be working and professional.
    One of Jared’s favorite things is when he and Jensen are goofing off in between shooting scenes, and they’ll be working with a new guest star who isn’t used to them. Soon as action is called they snap back into Sam and Dean and it throws the guest stars off.
    Jared brings up Kim Manners, “may he rest in peace,” and how he once told the boys: “I spend more time with you than my wife, kids, dogs, home, so if we’re not having a good time why are we doing this?”
    Jensen adds that they never miss and opportunity to make a joke. Normally professionals resist the urge but they will purposefully make the joke. He tells a story about the crew messing around on set and how Jensen’s reaction was actually used in the take (him slowly turning and walking away).
    They act out messing with Brad Creasser (their camera operator). As Jensen is saying his lines, Jared is messing with Brad as he’s trying to film Jensen. They reenact what happens on set: Jared is playing with Jensen’s face who is pretending like he’s Brad trying to swat Jared away while holding the camera. Brad has to stay still because if he laughs the camera on his shoulder shakes. Brad never sells Jared out for it lol.
    Jensen: The gag reel to almost any season could probably be 3 to 4 hours long. He doesn’t know how they decide which moments to pick.
    They both have the s11 gag reel on their phones…but there are people that have questions, they say. Fan: If you have the gag reel, I can wait!!
    Because they are Sam and Dean, is Crowley and Rowena Boris and Natasha? (From Rocky and Bullwinkle). What does that make Castiel? Jensen: Dudley-Do-Wrong.
    Fan asks about tips on auditioning. Jared says he talked about that in his m&g earlier, also mentions he almost drank a beer by mistake in his m&g (thought it was a Diet Coke lol) but gave it to a fan because it was too early. Found that fan in the audience, told them, “Good on you” for drinking it.
    Jared said he was the original Dean in Gilmore Girls, Jensen brings up working with the original Sammy on Days of our Lives: “She, too, was a long haired female.” Jared: “The best ones are.”
    Back to the question: Jared tells the story about his old friend discovering all of the scripts he had from auditions he didn’t get. Showed her boxes full of scripts of auditions, friends jaw dropped. At the time Jared was 20, successful with Gilmore Girls and other projects, but he took it personally every time he heard no, and he heard no a 1,000 times. Started to question that maybe something’s wrong with him. But he learned with family and friends - gestures to Jensen - and second family - gestures to audience - that being told no doesn’t mean you’re not enough, you’re just meant for something else. Later he got to be Sam Winchester :) Advice: Don’t take it personally when you hear no, it’s their loss not yours.
    Jensen nods and agrees, also includes, don’t wait for no. Just keep going. Jensen explains he always gives his final performance every time in that audition and leaves. If they call back, then cool, but each time he would walk out that door he leaves it behind so he’s already moved on mentally if he hears that no. Jensen remembers putting his fist through drywall one of the times he got upset being told no, and it’s his dad who gave him the previous advice so he didn’t have to feel that way anymore.
    Jared asks Jensen what was that role? Jensen laughs, “Really?” Jared laughs and says he’s just kidding, but Jensen goes on to explain it was for a TV show for a pilot a long time ago. His buddy Shane (?) ended up booking it. The boys get into a private conversation briefly about it. Jensen tells the audience the fans would have never seen it because it didn’t get picked up. Shane (?) is still a buddy of Jared and Jensen’s (the other guy who was trying to get this role).
    Jared says that show didn’t get picked up because Jensen wasn’t in it. Mic drop. Their buddy told Jensen the same thing, that it should have been Jensen and it probably would have been picked up.
    A fan asks Jared if he ever had any unhealthy coping mechanisms (brings up drugs, drinking, self abuse as examples of what some people turn to) and how he got away from those. Jared: I’ve only had unhealthy coping mechanisms. Jensen: are there healthy ones? Jared says this is something near and dear to his soul and his friends and family. Seems reluctant to go into detail about what his unhealthy coping mechanisms are or were, but instead talks about how he went to see a mental health professional and still does, to learn to cope with anxiety and depression. Jared: I’m not qualified to give proper advice but I can say to go to the right people. Uses a couple of examples, such as, if you want to learn kickboxing then you see an expert in that field. Jared needed help with his mental health so he went to a mental health doctor. He truly wishes that for everybody; starts talking about the stigma of mental health, how if someone has anxiety others might tell them to “oh, just relax.” Which doesn’t make sense. Jared says there’s no shame in it, and it can affect anybody. He says how sometimes people are like, “Why are you sad, you’re rich?” Jared says, “fuck that.” His greatest lesson in life was realizing before it was too late that he needed help figuring out what was going on in his head.
    Jensen: If I wasn’t bowlegged, I’d be 6′5″. Fan brings up how Jensen was told he had perfect ear canals. Jared looks, says, “Oh my god, it’s true. I thought it was just his eyes!” Jensen: It’s a package deal man. My man and dad, they ordered the works.
    Jared is asked about the video he posted of him and Shep dancing. He talks about how they have a deal on hiatus where they always have dinner together and Sunday breakfast, and it was on Jared’s back porch, they were listening to music, and Shep wanted to dance. Jared talks about how Shep does things his way. He also says that from day one Shep and Jensen had a special bond, Jensen agrees with a smile. Shep will often try hard not to laugh at stuff because he’s “too cool for school.”
    Misha delivers drinks to J2. Misha introduces them to the pizza man from Misha’s panel the day before, Timothy. Jared and Jensen welcome Timothy and his sister on stage, then there are some shenanigans with Richard and Rob who join them on stage, too.
    A fan asks what their favorite scents are to smell on people? Jared whispers to Jensen and then says, “Some things are better left between the Winchesters.” Jared says during photo ops he doesn’t know what people really smell like because he doesn’t know what perfume or cologne they’re wearing. The boys reenacts photo ops, Jared introducing himself as a fan to Jensen who then inhales Jared’s scent after Jared announces what he’s wearing lol.
    Jensen does comedy elbows. Richard: Did you just do comedy elbows? Jensen explains to him everything that has to go into doing the comedy elbows lol.
    Last question: What obscure sport or activity do they want to try? Jared: ultimate Frisbee. Says Jensen would do the squirrel shoot parachute diving. Jensen: That’s no lie. Nothing on but a squirrel suit? Sign me up! Jensen says he would be into base-jumping. They ask the fan abouto her activities, she brings up speech. Jared says he did that in schoo, too. She asks him which one? Jared lists of a BUNCH of speech categories he participated in, calls himself a nerd lol.
    The fan also mentions she plays badminton. Jensen: We play good-minton. Jared is excited at Jensen’s pun, and then says, because we’re not the Losechesters.
    They thank the fans - Jared: To quote (paraphrase) Dean: Without you, there’d be no us.
    Info via: Periscope, Periscope, Periscope, Sil’s livetweeters list

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    Jared answering a question about healthy coping mechanisms:


    [I just watched this panel and I thought it was important to type up Jared’s response to a question a fan had.]

    In response to the question: “Have you guys ever had, like, some kind of unhealthy coping mechanisms and how did you get out of it?”

    Jared: “That’s a huge, that’s a huge, huge, huge, wildly important question. And very, very, very, very near and dear to me and my heart and my family and my soul. Unhealthy coping mechanisms are…. very unhealthy.”

    Jensen: “We established that.”

    Jared: “Yeah. I consulted and still consult a professional—a doctor— about how to cope more properly with pain and sadness and depression and with anxiety. It gets really scary sometimes. The world’s a scary— it can be a scary place. Even from where I stand, you know? And I’m a six foot four white dude who has [a beard], you know? Like, I get— and I get pretty scared sometimes, and I get pretty worried. And sometimes my wife isn’t there to tell me it’s alright, sometimes [my boys] aren’t there to tell me it’s alright, sometimes my friends aren’t there to tell me it’s alright, and I, I choose to listen to the bad instead of the good. So I went to a professional and am proud of it.
    I’m certainly not qualified to give proper advice, but to say— I hope this doesn’t sound like a cop-out—but to say, if I want to learn how to be a kickboxer, I would go to a kickboxing professional. If I want to learn how to be a nutritionist, I would go to a nutritionist. It I want to know how to be a surgeon, I would go to medical school. I wanted to learn how to take care of my mental health, so I went to a mental health professional. And I’m proud of it.
    And I truly wish that for everybody. I think there’s a weird stigma right now where if you go like, ‘hey,’ if you say, ‘I’ve got cancer, so I went to a doctor.’ People are like, ‘Well, yeah!’ But if you say like, ‘Hey, man, I’ve got some wild anxiety.’ They’re like, ‘Oh! Well, just relax.’ You know? Which doesn’t make sense. I think we’re moving in the right direction as a society. But there was something going on in my head that I wasn’t controlling, that is not dead today, you know? So I go to— I go to a doctor, you know? Because something’s going on and I just want to get answers. There’s not— there’s no shame. There’s no like, ‘Oh, you know I talked to somebody about I’m feelings sad.’ ‘What?! Why are you sad, you know? You’re rich!’ or whatever, you know what I mean? F*** that. F*** that.
    So I say to everybody that one of my greatest blessings in life was realizing

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    J2 PhxCon 2016 Gold Panel

    J2 talk about the magic “Winchester sauce” that heals Sam and Dean after they get hurt.
    They talk about staying up late last night. Jensen: Because we’re not the Losechesters. Jared: That’s my line!
    Richard will apparently steal Rob’s jokes so when they steal a joke it’s officially called “The Speight.”
    Jared says Jensen has been trying for 11 plus years to teach him how to golf. When they met, Jensen was like, “As your elder, I’m gonna teach you about wine and golf.” Says he had no trouble at the wine, but Jared has been digging his heels in with golf. “Genius that I am” decided to learn in Phoenix in the heat lol. Jensen: And we can be in winter and Jared’ll be like, “why is it so hot?” Jensen talks about how Jared’s sunscreen was like washing off of Jared and it was all over his neck.
    Jared: We’re playing, and Jensen is like let’s match play and Clif was like “Really?” because he was playing with Jared. And Jensen was teamed up with an ex-marine who was really good at golf.
    Clif told Jensen to give Jared strokes while they were golfing, Jensen: That’s a different conversation.
    Jensen: It came down to the final putt on the 18th hole. I had to save my putt, Jared and I were both lying basically equal. He had about a 15 foot putt, Jared had a 5 foot putt, and Jensen sunk it in and just walked off in victory lol. Apparently at one point when Jensen was hitting his ball out of the sand trap he hit it too hard and hit someone’s car, and the guy actually stopped and yelled something at them.
    Jared saw the guy stop and was like, is it about to go down? Jensen: Wouldn’t be the first time.
    Jared: It’s me and Jensen and Clif and an ex-marine, is he really gonna come over and do something? Jared would have been impressed: “Good on him if he does” lol. But the guy drove away.
    Fan wants to know how Jared and Misha met. Jared talks about the first few seasons and then in s4 they heard about someone new coming on. Jared was asking Jensen about Misha because they shot together first. Jared wanted to know about him and they were walking and talking about him on set and Jensen was like yeah he’s interesting, I don’t know if I got a read on him, I think he’s method - and then they spotted Misha staring at them and Jared didn’t know if he was in character or what he was doing, he was just sitting there eyeballing them. Jared: That’s creepy. Jensen: I know, right?
    Jared says that Misha used to be method but they broke him of that.
    They talk about how Mark Sheppard talks more off camera than on camera. Fan: WOW. Jared uses his hands to make W’s and his mouth as an ‘O’ to create WOW lol. Jensen asks him how he would do it if he was talking to his mother. Jared flips the w’s to m’s to create MOM with his hands and mouth. Jensen: What if I punched you? Jensen hits him, Jared makes and says OW.
    Jensen: This is why Misha was just staring at us, probably thinking we were weird like we thought he was.
    Bring any character back? Fan: Can’t be Ruby! They talk about how they were able to work with Rob, Pellegrino, and Jim Beaver again this year. Jared talks about Speight and would like to see Gabriel back. Jensen says Charlie, Cain, and also brings up John Winchester. He talks about how it would be interesting to have Jeff come back especially during the story right now.
    Favorite monster to kill? Jared says any of the ones where you have to chop their heads off. Not the wendigo ‘cause he’s taller than Jared. Jensen: The Amazon chicks. It would get messy later, but…now c’mon. Jared: I can’t take you anywhere.
    Jared was asked about the different dynamics between SPN and Gilmore Girls since he recently went back to shoot GG. Jared said it was very different, felt like a high school reunion. Talked about meeting those people when he was 17 and getting to catch up with some of them. Jared says he watched his early eps of GG recently and says “I was not good” so was grateful that they were patient with him when he was starting out on the show.
    Favorite prank to pull on set? Jensen: It hasn’t happened yet but it’s in the works. Jared: Oh yeah! Jensen: It was thought of last night behind the curtain (at SNS). Jared: *evil laugh*
    Jared picks the Misha pie in the face as his favorite.
    Jensen talking to a fan: My daughter had a braid like that two days ago. Jared: I had braid like that two days ago: Jensen: Yeah it was a hot mess.
    What would they change about their characters? Jared says he found similarities with himself and Sam, talks about how when he first moved to Vancouver he struggled because he was away from friends and family. He feels both he and Sam have evolved. Talks about how there are things about himself he hasn’t been happy with but everything has “served a purpose.” He says patience and understanding grew from family and friends, ultimately decides that he digs Sam and wants to keep him how he is.
    Jensen: I’ll just use the grenade launcher more. Been there since day one. Jared: Last line of the show should be, “Dean, salt grenade!”
    At the end of the panel, they ask the fans to keep Orlando in their thoughts and prayers.
    Info via: Periscope, Sil’s livetweeters list

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


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    Chris Schmelke ©


    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale




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    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


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    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    ClCkzpxUoAAeFRX ClCn4UqUoAMdN_l ClDWjwzVYAA1XPT


    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


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    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


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271 replies since 31/1/2016, 12:59   2805 views