~ Salute to... Phoenix 2016

Phoenix (AZ), 10-12 Giugno 2016

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  1. trimmer

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    CITAZIONE (lily888 @ 16/6/2016, 01:11) 
    Ciao!! :)) Scusate, non voglio sembrare maleducata o scortese, avevo solo una curiosità che mi asisilla da qualche settimana xd

    ecco ho notato che ultimamente vengono riportati tutti i panel, quelli di sabato, ma quelli della domenica e in particolare quello dei j2 nella prima pagina li trovo sempre molto in ritardo e ultimamente non li trovo proprio o.O

    ma come mai? volevo chiederlo da un bel pò perchè sono i miei panel preferiti e aspetto di leggerli sempre con trepidazione xd

    Thinias era alla JIB, questo il motivo del ritardo nella pubblicazione dei panel di quella conventions :) , per questa con, credo che abbia degli impegni lavorativi che non le consentono la solita precisione nel pubblicare le traduzioni dei restanti panel, penso che lo farà non appena le sarà possibile :)

    io non sono in grado di fare le traduzioni, spero però che possa farti piacere la trascrizione del M&G, anche se in inglese purtroppo

    Jared and Jensen’s meet and greets Phoenixcon 2016
    So…..I’m not allowed to talk much about Jared and Jensen’s meet and greets. Creation has really cracked down…we can’t even bring in a piece of piece of paper with our question written down, presumably so we don’t gnaw off our fingers and scratch down notes in blood.
    But I feel like this is my experience. I paid for it, just like everyone else, and I feel I should be allowed to share at least some of it if I want to so that’s what I’m going to do.
    Since there were a couple of questions that were the same for both Jared and Jensen I’m going to write the reports together. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask and I’ll try to answer.
    I’ll start with Jared. First off, he came in carrying a can of Coors Light. We all noticed but just kind of shrugged it off, it was almost lunch time, so why not? Jared started telling a story and cursed, then caught himself, joking that he shouldn’t swear before noon. We all laughed at that and someone pointed out he was already drinking beer, so why NOT swear?
    Jared looked startled and started to insist that of course he wasn’t drinking beer, it was Diet Coke. He held up the can to prove it, and we all started laughing again. He promised it was an accident, he’d meant to grab soda, and gave the (unopened) beer to a fan who wanted it. Later in the session a volunteer brought him a Diet Dr. Pepper instead.
    My question was the last one, and Jared specifically asked us not to repeat what he said, so I’m respecting that. However, I will note that I asked Jensen the same question and he did NOT make that request. What I asked was (paraphrased): you and Jensen said in Rome that you basically rewrote the finale. How was the decision made to have Sam NOT protest Dean’s imminent death, or offer to go with him? Jared answered very thoughtfully and gave us a lot of insight into how the ep SHOULD have been.
    Jensen had a lot of interesting things to say about the finale and the eps right before it as well. He said that there were a lot of people involved in the re-write (“I wouldn’t call it a re-write…more like triage.”) and reminded us that a lot was going on behind the scenes at that point, including the fact that Jeremy Carver had moved on to his new show and that change had caused a lot of chaos and confusion that had to be dealt with. At one point, he and Jared proposed that the finale ep simply be pulled and the season cut back to 22 eps; that conversation evolved into serious discussion of pulling the final three eps so that the season ended with 11.20 and picking up the storyline in S12. Unfortunately, the network stepped in at that point and nixed the whole idea because advertising had already been paid for. Jensen added that he thought 11.20 was a really powerful ep and would have made a great finale.
    Another great question was about all nuances of body language that we see in the show, for example Sam and Dean standing by Mary’s grave but choosing not to look at each other. The fan wanted to know if that was scripted or if Jared and Jensen make those choices.
    First Jared thanked us all for noticing these details and for paying so much attention. He said that knowing how much we love the show and appreciate what they put into each ep makes being away from their family a lot easier for him and Jensen. He said that the decision not to look at each other, and a lot of the other scenes like that, are on Jared and Jensen to work out. They chose to play the scene in the graveyard the way they did, and Jared was glad to hear that it worked so well and that the emotion and intent really came through. Then he went on to talk about his scenes with Lucifer, and how he tried to be very conscious and aware of Sam’s history and fear and reflect that in his reactions. There was supposed to be a scene where God makes it clear that Sam and Dean don’t have to fear Lucifer that got cut, but he still wanted that fear and wariness to be acknowledged.
    Jensen also had a great answer for this question. He also thanked us for noticing the details and care he and Jared put into the eps, and gave us some bts info about shooting the scene in the graveyard.
    *Sidenote: PLEASE ASK JENSEN MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS BTS. He loves to talk about it and go into all the technical details that go into making the show.*
    Okay. So Jensen told us about shooting the scene in the graveyard. He confirmed that the decision not to look at each other was made by him and Jared when they blocked the scene before actual filming, and that those kinds of decisions are left up to them as long as it isn’t going to interfere with filming by requiring more cameras or more takes. He gave us some great details about how shots are filmed that really make it clear just how hard everyone involved in making the show works. Jensen’s coverage was shot in the rain, and he told us about how difficult it is to make rain show up on film (like bees? someone asked. Yes, Jensen said very dryly. Like bees.) He also talked about how film flickers and how they sometimes have to do multiple takes for shots where they are firing a gun because the muzzle flashes are so fast they can be missed.
    He then segued into the scene where Dean confronts God (I’m pretty sure that was part of the question or that the fan interjected it, but it’s hard to remember.) He mentioned that his first instinct was to be angry, but the more he thought about it the more it seemed like Dean would really be hurt rather than angry. He was sitting going over the script and the scene in his mind and Phil (I think?) told him that was perfect. It was really great to hear about how much respect he and Jared get from the writers, directors and crew, and how much trust everyone has in them to know and understand their characters.
    There was some really great comparisons to John and God and how Sam and Dean relate to each character, but I can’t remember if it was Jared or Jensen who talked about it. But it was really insightful about how they view Sam and Dean and their relationships with John and God.
    In the course of this discussion, Jensen mentioned that he specifically asked to do his coverage first in the scene where Dean is talking to God. He usually doesn’t care that much, but in this case he said he knew it was going to be a difficult, emotional scene and he wasn’t sure how many times he could do it before it started to become forced. As it turned out he needn’t have worried–he said the emotion in this scene was so powerful that even during Rob’s coverage he still found himself reacting to words being said, and with tears in his eyes.
    This led to Jensen talking about always being ‘present’ in his scenes–that he works very hard not to ‘space out’ when the camera isn’t on him. He always wants to give the other actor cues to work with and to react as though he’s really having the conversation or going through the scene with them. He told us that the editors have noticed and thanked him for it–they appreciate that he always gives them something to cut to if there is an issue in the scene. For example if someone doesn’t quite nail a line or reaction, they feel they can always cut to Dean to distract from it.
    As Jensen was finishing up his answer, I couldn’t help interjecting a follow up question about whether or not he found that to be more tiring, physically or emotionally. He said that yes, a lot of the time it is, but that he considers it worthwhile. He doesn’t mind needing an extra cup of coffee or a little more sleep–he feels he owes it to everyone he works with to give them his best, and that includes being present whenever he’s able to.
    Another question for Jared was a request for advice on getting into acting, which he used a a chance to remind us all that we are always enough. We may not be right for a particular job or role, but that just means we will find something we are suited for later. I truly appreciate his efforts to encourage and uplift fans whenever he can.
    Jared was also asked about the ep Dark Side of the Moon, and whether or not Sam’s memories had been manipulated by Zachariah. Sam said that they had, and again thanked us for noticing details like that.
    Someone asked Jared who his hero was when he was 14 was and he replied without hesitation that it was Eddie Vedder. He then told us the story of meeting Eddie at a small benefit concert. He was adorably embarrassed, and said the next day he looked and Jensen and said “Did I do that…?” and Jensen just nodded and said “Oh, yeah.”
    Here are the other questions that were asked that I remember:
    Did you design your own house? (Jared)
    What was your favorite ep to film in S11 other than Baby? (Jensen)
    Jensen was deeply disappointed not to be able to choose Baby, to the point I’m not sure he gave an actual answer to the question. He turned it back around on the fan who’d asked, and she was adorably flustered by the attention.
    What is your favorite piece of theater? (Jared)
    Something about being driven to work (Jensen)
    (Jensen gave a really great and lengthy answer to this one that was a lot of fun, but I think I’m probably pushing the the limits of what I should say pretty hard at this point.)
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