10x07 Ragazze, Ragazze, Ragazze

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    Lilith vs Sam


    CITAZIONE (goldfish @ 10/2/2021, 16:14) 
    XD XD
    In effetti, o ha usato l'autoscatto o probabilmente quella foto gliel'ha fatta Sam :laughing: :laughing:

    Sam di sicuro, solo che poi Dean gli ha mentito su come voleva usarla. ^U^ ^U^

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale




    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale




    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale





    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale





    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    Ruth Connell ♛
    I remember
    so clearly from this early moment in Supernatural for me. He’d been careful to show me the gun was fake that he was pointing at me but that he got it was still an uncomfortable feeling! Which gave me even more confidence to play with him + find this ❤️


    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    Girls Girls Girls (and Boys Boys Boys) – Supernatural 10.07
    November 26, 2014spnfans

    Ackles and Padalecki w director Bob Singer

    Girls Girls Girls was a surprising episode – by which I mean, it managed to surprise me! Not once but several times. Which makes me a very happy fangirl indeed. Here’s my quick thoughts before we hit the road for the holiday…

    One of the most surprising things? I liked both the story lines in tonight’s episode.

    I haven’t been a fan of jumping back and forth between the Winchesters’ story line and the angels, but this time both worked. The pacing was right and the actors all outdid themselves. Let’s start with the angel story line, which I really liked in this episode. Erica Carroll did a fabulous job portraying Hannah’s growing confusion and discomfort with her possession of Caroline. She has the ability to show a dozen subtle emotions flashing across Hannah’s face, and every one of them twists your gut. You can see her turmoil, and I felt for her. That’s unusual for me and angels who aren’t Castiel.

    Surprise No. 2? We didn’t go down the Cas/Hannah romance route; instead, the tension between them was the catalyst for Hannah thinking independently, perhaps for the first time. Her struggle to figure out why she felt so wrong was something I think most of us can relate to – that feeling in your gut that something’s just not right. The way she kept clutching her stomach perfectly evoked that feeling. And I actually gasped when she decided to give Caroline back to herself, to let her go back to her life and her family. I didn’t see that coming, but once it happened, it suddenly seemed long overdue. Finally, an angelic decision I can get behind and empathize with.

    And oh, that scene with Cas in the car after he’s dropped Caroline off and watched her go home. Misha looks so torn there, and so determined, as Cas picks up the threads of Jimmy Novak’s life. I love Castiel best when he’s trying to do the right thing, even if he doesn’t always manage it. I’m looking forward to seeing where his search takes him.

    And then there’s the Winchesters. Sam and Dean on the road enjoying some good food. Sam busting his brother’s chops for being on a dating site and reading suggestive texts to him while being half outraged and half protective. (But why did they cut Sam’s adorable throw-his-head-back full on laugh that we were treated to in the previews??)

    (Also, how typically wonderfully Supernatural is it that Robert Berens put Jensen Ackles’ actual quote from Comic Con about Dean’s dating tagline in the episode?)

    Tweet by Superwiki

    WB/The CW

    Then we get a Dean make-out scene in single layers AGAIN which just makes me want to take all the writers out for drinks to say thank you. THANK YOU! With extra added bonus of Dean being slammed into a wall, which hey, that never gets old. Mmm.

    From there, we went down the whole demon prostitution ring road, and Rowena? Ruth Connell was absolutely delicious in the role – I was fascinated just listening to her and trying to figure her out. Eventually the Winchesters get her where they want her, and then boom! Dean’s right, Cole has awful timing.

    And then comes the scene that I already know I’ll watch about thirty times over — the confrontation between Dean and Cole. The holy water in the face, and Ackles’ long-suffering expression. The fight scene, choreographed flawlessly. And then Dean handing over his gun, not even flinching as Cole aims it at him. Nerves of steel, or is it something else?

    My uneasy thoughts are cut off when Sam suddenly appears, gun raised, ready to save his brother.

    Dean’s order gave me goosebumps.

    “Put it down, Sam. Put it down!”

    And Sam does. And in my living room, it’s me who’s suddenly sobbing. The trust between the brothers, it’s back. It’s BACK.

    Dean: The people who loved me pulled me back from the edge.

    Oh, Dean. Break my heart, why don’t you? He’s talking to Cole, but we all know that he’s talking to Sam.

    Sam’s face, did you see it? It’s Dean’s way of thanking his brother, and for once, Sam hears it. There’s so much passing between the brothers in those brief looks, so much said and understood. Thank you thank you thank you for letting a Winchester actually say the word ‘love’ when another Winchester is listening!

    Travis Aaron Wade did an amazing job portraying Cole’s struggle to listen to what Dean is saying – imagine questioning what you’ve believed 200% your entire life. What has gotten you up in the morning and colored your dreams at night. Cole managed to do what most people in Supernatural (and okay, most of us in general) can’t – he listened, he questioned, and he changed his mind. You can see what it’s costing him, but he does it anyway. Hannah, earlier in this episode, does the same thing. I’m not sure there’s many things more courageous than that, and humanity would probably be a helluva lot better off if more of us could manage to be that kind of open minded.

    But Dean (and Berens) aren’t done destroying what’s left of my emotional composure.

    Dean: Once you touch that darkness, it never goes away. The truth is, I’m past saving. I know how my story ends. It’s at the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun.

    Sam’s face, OMG! He so doesn’t want that to be true for his brother, so doesn’t want to believe it. Me neither, Sammy! For all the times Dean swore he’d save Sam, now it’s Sam’s turn. And I wouldn’t bet against him – the determination to do so is written all over his face. Nicely done, Jared.

    And Jensen, stop breaking my heart. Dean’s self loathing, his guilt and his shame and his conviction that he’s a flawed, terrible person. Ouch. It hurts. But it hurts good. Supernatural excels at that, after all.

    The last scene with the brothers was both beautiful and haunting. Sam actually questioning Dean for once, instead of sweeping it under the rug, and damn, how I love that Sam is doing that this season! Dean’s insistence that he was just saying whatever would work, and Sam’s look of total skepticism as Dean walks away. Beautiful shot of the brothers in the dark alley, Dean striking out ahead, Sam following behind.

    Maybe it’s what Jensen and Jared have said about this season, about Sam and Dean being in this fight together, about Sam having Dean’s back, trying to keep an eye on him – but that last scene looked like that to me. Dean isn’t alone in this. Sam’s right behind him.

    And that makes me a happy fangirl.

    Btw, if that alley looks familiar, it might be because the meme-generating “Lonely Jensen” tweet took place there. At least that’s what Tumblr tells me.

    But wait, Berens isn’t done surprising us yet! After some delicious scenes of our new character Rowena (Ruth Connell, whose accent I could listen to like forever), we finally get to find out who she really is. I was unspoiled, but at the last few seconds I started to think wait, she’s a witch, and didn’t Crowley say his mother…. YES! Oh lovely lovely plot twist, Show. I’m positively giddy to see what Mark Sheppard does with this new turn of events. Ruth Connell can definitely go toe to toe, if her (apparently unscripted) ‘meowwww’ is any indication.

    So much to look forward to.

    P.S. Have just been informed by Superwiki, who knows all, that Girls Girls Girls passes the Bechdel test! And I’m going out on a limb and guessing next week’s will as well. You go, Show!

    I don’t want to wait a week to see what happens next! And isn’t that a ridiculous (and wonderful) thing to say about a Show in its tenth season.

    The West Coast live tweets always add to my enjoyment of the episode. Erica Carroll added some behind the scenes humor to her scenes with Misha.

    Erica Carroll’s tweet: Caption this!

    We had a chance to chat with this episode’s guest star Travis Aaron Wade recently, and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know him. Look for that interview in the coming week, with some insights into Cole and how Travis is able to bring the character to life so vividly.

    Travis and Ruth Connell watched the episode with some friends, tweeting out their enjoyment. I love how this Show brings people together, fans and cast alike.

    Ruth Connell tweet

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