Genevieve Cortese as Ruby

Scheda personaggio stag.4

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  1. veronica87

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    CITAZIONE (FrancyLovesSammy91 @ 25/6/2012, 00:11) 
    no e che squallido O.o o forse ho capito male io di "squallido"

    ti rispondo in super ritardo... intendo come 'squallido' quel tipo di film tipo sex crimes, che ha fatto tra l'altro anche la ex di jared (credo dopo che si erano lasciati): era praticamente un porno, assolutamente squallido.
  2. FrancyLovesSammy91

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    QUOTE (veronica87 @ 13/8/2012, 16:38) 
    QUOTE (FrancyLovesSammy91 @ 25/6/2012, 00:11) 
    no e che squallido O.o o forse ho capito male io di "squallido"

    ti rispondo in super ritardo... intendo come 'squallido' quel tipo di film tipo sex crimes, che ha fatto tra l'altro anche la ex di jared (credo dopo che si erano lasciati): era praticamente un porno, assolutamente squallido.

    oddio io ora non mi ricordo su che punto mi rispondi O.o ahaha so anche andata in post recenti ma non ho visto niente (io so cecatella eh xD)

    @scarlettInLove bellissima la tua gif di sam e dean *O* jared è *O*
  3. veronica87

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    Curiosando sul web ho trovato una notizia interessante... genevieve dovrebbe far parte del cast di 'American empire' (link Dal sito pare che ci sarà anche sarah michelle gellar e, volete ridere? la ragazza che faceva lindsey in gilmore girls (quella che jared padalecki alias dean si era sposato e poi aveva tradito con la gattamort... ehm, volevo dire, con Rory.
    pare che la cosa sia ancora ai primi step, però. se qualcuno ha altre news, postatele! a me, dalla sinossi, non sembra granchè, lo devo ammettere.
  4. ScarlettInLove

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    Sapevo di questo film, è già da un paio d'anni che dicono che si farà ma ancora non si è saputo niente di concreto...
  5. veronica87

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    io non ne sapevo nulla... ma non ho nemmeno capito se gli attori siano quelli o se siano solo 'voci', perchè in altri siti ho letto nomi diversi.
  6. ScarlettInLove

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    In questo sito al lato della pagina c'è scritto proprio di questo film, oltre a Hated che è stato girato già da un po' ma credo che in America debba ancora essere distribuito, penso che su American Empire non ci sia ancora niente di certo, forse non se ne farà niente alla fine, anche perché mi sembra di capire che sia una produzione indipendente, magari non hanno ancora abbastanza fondi per produrlo. :)
  7. Vivaldi4love

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    boh, il mistero rimane...
  8. veronica87

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    io l'informazione l'ho trovata nello stesso sito su genevieve che cita scarlettinlove: però è comparsa da poco, quindi pensavo che magari ora fosse una notizia certa.
  9. FrancyLovesSammy91

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    sapevo anche io di questo film, ma non so dire nulla non lo so...a me piacerebbe vedere hated però ancora non è uscito nemmeno in america
  10. Fede_Sophie

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    Concordo su tutto! Io adoro Genvieve.. mi piace davvero tanto, sia come attrice, sia per quel poco che si riesce a vedere in pubblico. Io la trovo dolcissima e insieme a Jared e il piccolo Thomas formano una famiglia meravigliosa. Quindi si esistono persone a cui piacciono Gen e Danieel.. Ci posso anche essere persone alle quali non piacciono, ma i giudizi eccessivi e gratuiti, credo non facciano bene ne a loro due ne alle persone che le accusano, le quali ci fanno una figura pessima!!
  11. FrancyLovesSammy91

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  12. ehyjënsen

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    Su twitter anche lei è stata presa di mira.
    Si è appena iscritta ma gli insulti che le sono arrivati (puntualissimi come un orologio svizzero) sono davvero pesanti.
    Anche lei, come Danneel, ha risposto.
    Certo, sentendosi dire che suo figlio è bastardo perchè nato da Jared che ha una relazione con Jensen e che lei è una "bitch"........
  13. veronica87

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    l'ho visto anche io.
    sta gente ha bisogno di uno psichiatra bravo. ma bravo vero. oppure (opzione che condivido) di una bella sberla data con energia, magari i neuroni sbatacchiando formano un paio di sinapsi.

    e comunque l'account del tipo o tipa è stato sospeso subito. quelli di SPN sono rapidissimi.
  14. veronica87

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    riapro il topic: si sa se per gen ci sono novità lavorative?

    Cacciatore/trice Soprannaturale


    Genevieve’s Podcast w/ WinchesterBros, July 9th, 2016


    Gen talked about how she got the role of Ruby on Supernatural. She had just finished Wildfire, knew a little bit of SPN but not a lot. Kripke, the casting directors, and possibly Kim Manners and some other people were at her audition. Phil Sgriccia did the editing for the pilot of Wildfire and Gen found out that he had said some great things about her to Kripke and the others. Thirty minutes after the audition she got the call that they loved her and wanted her for the job.
    She didn’t know until she got to Vancouver that she was replacing Katie Cassidy as Ruby so she had to watch a bunch of videos. She says she had some panic attacks when she felt she had to do it like Katie (who she gave kudos to) because she felt like there was a certain way she wanted to play Ruby and take her in a different direction.
    Gen originally signed on for about four episodes, but when it went in a different direction things changed. She wanted to play it that Ruby felt she had good intentions (”every villain is the hero of their own story”) and the audience wouldn’t know if she was really good or bad. She felt Ruby’s death was deserved in the end, that she got what was coming to her.
    Ruby was her first villain role.
    Some of Gen’s favorite episodes are “Monster Movie” and the season 4 finale, she had a lot of fun and lots of good memories.
    Gen is asked how she feels about having to one day explain to the kids, referring to the s4 finale, like “Yes, Uncle Jensen is stabbing Mommy.” Gen talks about how she tries to be really careful with what the boys see. Says that during the season sometimes she will show Tom YouTube videos of interviews with Jared. She did that about a year ago, was helping Shep with something and wasn’t paying attention and at the time Tom didn’t really know how to scroll through the phone. All of a sudden a weird noise came from Tom’s mouth and he had scrolled through YouTube and had accidentally seen a scene where Jensen (Dean) had cut himself or gotten stabbed and Tom said, “Mom, what happened to Uncle Jensen?” Gen said it was horrible because it’s hard trying to explain that to a little kid.
    Gen says Jared left to go to Pittsburgh for the convention and from there will head to Vancouver to start shooting s12.
    Even though she doesn’t want the boys really watching Supernatural anytime soon, they don’t hide their profession from the boys; if something comes on that they’ve been in they might show them a little clip so they understand what their parents do. The kids apparently aren’t that impressed lol.
    Gen says that in the pool Shep has now started putting up his hand and acting like he’s using powers on Jared (similar to what Sam would do in s4 when he was on demon blood, but Shep hasn’t seen that in the show) and when Shep does it Jared plays along and will fly backwards in the pool. Jared laughs and is like, “If you only knew, kid, I do that for a living” and Tom was like, “Yeah, yeah, Dad. Watch this” and does the hand movement with the sound effect they were using lol.
    Gen talks about the AKF campaign, says that it’s special to have a dialogue with people and is proud of Jared for speaking up. Says it was a really difficult time for them (back when he first started AKF). He had just lost a really close friend, it was rough on him and it was a dark time in their lives, but he came out on top and was able to talk about it without feeling ashamed and how they have been able to connect with so many people who feel the same or are going through the same thing.
    Gen talks about the commonality of depression, says she has dealt with it as well. She has been in therapy since she was a kid to learn how to talk about her feelings and acknowledge what’s going on.
    Gen is happy that AKF has opened up a dialogue for so many people and that many charities have benefited from it as well, such as the recent funding for Orlando and the collaboration they are doing with Jensen and Misha for the YANA crisis support network. Gen feels lucky and blessed to be a part of it and hopes that it helps people to understand that they are not alone, that it can affect anyone.
    Gen says she’s a socially awkward person and says she feels she’s been hard on herself but is learning to love herself through this process and talking/learning from other people. It’s been very powerful.
    She tries to be positive all of the time, even if it’s a shit day, she reminds herself of the good and the positive.
    Gen talks about how she would have panic attacks over auditions, how she gets nervous on stage, etc, and talks about how anxiety is debilitating. Believes we have to talk about our feelings and again, acknowledge what we are feeling.
    In the middle of the podcast Gen says she’s sitting in Jared’s office and just noticed that there are tons of ants crawling on the inside of the window and doesn’t know what’s going on but “don’t tell him!” LOL
    Gen had a lot of fun doing The French Mistake episode, enjoyed making fun of themselves. Says she doesn’t dress like how she did in that ep ever, she’s in a t-shirt and sweatpants right now.
    Talks about wanting a farm, said Tom cleaned out the chicken coop earlier. Said she is “threatening” to get fainting goats because she loves them lol.
    They have 8 chickens right now, they’re doing a little bit of construction on their house and they have their chicken coop. Bought them with Shep when he went with her to Cameron, TX. The chickens live with their rabbits.
    JJ named one of the chickens Princess Anna :))
    Tom just turned 4 but he thinks he’s in charge and will offer Shep treats in exchange for Shep doing stuff and Gen is like excuse me I’m the adult?? :P
    Tom is starting to mimic things she does, such as when she’ll say “Thomas, I’m getting mad” and now he’ll say stuff like, “I’m gonna get mad, Mom. Mom, I’m getting mad.” It cracks her up.
    Gen didn’t know that there was a college course that was taught on Supernatural, thinks it’s very cool. Says when she was in college there was a Tolkien class.
    Gen says she used to sneak V.C. Andrews (Flowers in the Attic) when she was younger because her mom wouldn’t let her read them lol!
    Tom is really into getting his nails painted, likes to get them done when Gen gets hers done. She wants him to feel free to explore that if he wants to. She was very adamant that she wasn’t going to prevent Tom from playing with stuff like barbies or liking horses - she wants them to explore. Jared and Gen do have parameters and boundaries for the kids, but inside of that they encourage them to discover what they like, who they are without telling them they can’t do something or can’t explore. They don’t want to tell their kids who they should be, but rather help guide them without telling them how they should look, etc.
    If she could play anyone else on Supernatural she would play Rowena. She doesn’t think she would be able to pull it off the same way but thinks she’s pretty cool and loves Ruthie. She loves Jody and Donna, too :)
    If she could pitch an episode, Gen would pitch like a southern-style episode, along the lines of like True Blood or True Detective. Something to do more with the south would be fun, like with the “swampy bayous” and voodoo, etc.
    Gen was a soccer player for a long time, played in college. That and riding horses on Wildfire plus workouts she would do was helpful with Ruby, but she didn’t do any actual fight training for the role.
    She is open to doing panels in the states. (Tweet Creation!! ;))
    Gen just auditioned for a couple of things, including Supergirl. She is a full-time mom first but is still auditioning, would want to do something part time, such as guest starring or a recurring character.
    Gen would love to start something like her own fashion line or something creative like designing. Kids clothing, jewelry, etc. She talks about wishing there was more comfy, soft, but inexpensive shirts out there. After being asked, she promises that if she ever does design a clothing line she will make sure the shirts are boob friendly lol.
    Gen is asked about seeing Jensen with her dog Indy in the Mockumentary. Gen thought it was hilarious, says Indy is shy and it got her out of her shell ;)
    Her dream role would be anything that is different than what people would expect and something new to explore.
    She says a difficult scene with Ruby was doing her first scene in her underwear, as well as the scene with Ruby getting tortured. They discuss how her and Rachel (Meg) had to be nude in the torture scenes and when Sam was tortured Jared was clothed. Gen agrees that if females have to be nude in certain scenes the guys should have to as well (and that the nudity in those torture scenes was gratuitous) but does appreciate that Supernatural has a certain specific tone that hasn’t become sexual.
    Gen got to keep Jared from the show ;) wishes she would have kept Ruby’s necklace. Talks about how Jared’s clothes are all basically from the show lol.
    She is asked if Netflix were to bring back Wildfire if she would go back to play her character, Gen says she would. Says it was a sweet show and loved it.
    Gen sounded really touched at the end when everyone said they loved having her on and said she would love to do the podcast again :)
239 replies since 8/11/2009, 18:41   8249 views